Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Quiet times....

Oh, gee! It's quiet around here when I get home from work. Gus gets home later so I have a roast leg of lamb in the oven, the house is tidy and the laundry is all done. Hmmm, I think I am missing my teenager!
I will make a date loaf later when the roast is done then tomorrow night and Thursday night I intend to make mini quiches and chicken chow mein pasties or sausage rolls for the girls. I will have a full esky of goodies for them. I can't wait to see them again this coming weekend! Yay!
Oh, well - better go peel the stickers off the apples in the fruit bowl.....
Cheers - Joolz


  1. I've got a couple of friends going through the same thing, having their last child head off to Adelaide. I'm sure they will love receiving all your homemade goodies. Enjoy Clipsal, my hubby is going down for it for the 3 days.

  2. Not easy huh....!
    I was asked on the weekend if I was now use to my son and his family living away from me.My answer,"No,Im just use to missing them"

  3. It is hard when they are not close, luckily one of my boys is still at home and the other lives 5 mins away. I don't know how I would cope with them hours away.

  4. I think they are spoilt to be getting an esky full of goodies!! Hope you enjoyed the weekend.


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