Saturday, February 28, 2009

My 100th post...

I am sitting here, home alone. 'A' is still a work, catching up, B15 has gone to Melbourne with her friend and won't be back until Monday after school and as you know, K18 is in Adelaide. Talk about empty nesters! I have ironed everything in sight, dinner is planned and I have watched "An Affair To Remember" with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr.
So I am sitting here witha cup of peppermint tea, uploading these photos which are taking forever.
The peppermint tea may give way to a glass of wine shortly....
This is a piece of cross stitch that I started quite a while ago - it will be really pretty when I finish it. When.... (?)
I am doing it on 18 count ivory aida cloth. I love the patchwork hearts.
It's funny how I can't machine sew to save my life but I can tackle the hardest, intricate cross stitch pattern with ease.
I did this one back in 1990 while I was pregnant with K18.
...and this was was for Kirby in 1993
The detail and colours are amazing - I really enjoyed the challenge of this one.
Anyway, that's my 100th post, can't believe I've been blogging since August 08.
I have 'met' some wonderful people through blogland - there is always something of interest
to 'waste' my time. Also some very good advice and information and fun and friendship.
K18's first week in the city has been eventful - the traffic is a little daunting and the buses don't always pull up when they should. We nearly had a meltdown yesterday! Classes start this coming week so I hope things will settle down and she can establish a routine to suit herself. So far she is cooking her own meals, she has just mastered a front loader washing machine and done her first load of washing and tonight she will go out with some friends from school who are in town.
Have a restful weekend, I am....
Cheers - Joolz

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

There's no bear in there...

We have always called Kirby, our Kirby Bear. This is her room, all cleaned out...and unlike PlaySchool... there is no bear in there!
We'll move a bed in here shortly so she has a bed when she comes home for holidays.
Heh, heh. One less room to keep clean...Yay!
- Joolz

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

City girl settles in.....

Kirby now has a city address. We headed to Adelaide yesterday and set up her room in the townhouse she will share with 3 others. I am really pleased with the furniture we bought - it all fitted in really well.
The bed takes up nearly the entire room but it is her bed from home so she will be comfy. She had picked out a new 'cuppacino' coloured doona cover but when we opened it - it was a sheet set! Aaagh! So at the moment she doesn't have a cover.

She has everything she needs - TV, DVD, wireless internet!
She had her first day of O week sessions today. I dropped her off outside the Uni, a quick kiss on the cheek and 'love you babe, have a good day' and she was off. Then I headed off to pick a car up across town before heading back home (400kms) by myself. But I did not shed a tear. I have confidence in her that she will do just fine. She tackled the buses this afternoon - said she looked like a country bumpkin standing at the bus stop with timetable in hand, secretly hoping she was hopping on the right bus to Melbourne St and not Glenelg (total opposite direction). She got it right! She also cooked dinner for herself tonight! You go girl! I hope she did the dishes...?
We'll see her in month when we go to Adelaide for the Clipsal 500 so until then we will text, MSN and Facebook. Ah, don't you love technology?
Cheers - Joolz

Sunday, February 22, 2009

National Day of Mourning...

In memory of the victims of the Victorian Bushfires who's lives were taken 2 weeks ago on Saturday 7th February, 2009 and in the days that followed.
We remember them, mourn for them and those who loved them.
My deepest admiration goes to the CFA members and volunteer fire fighters, ambulance officers and paramedics, police and army personnel and the many wonderful volunteers that have played a part in the relief effort. We live in a lucky country.
I have just watched the National Day of Mourning Service at Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne. Mr Bruce Woodley, author of the song 'I am Australian' penned two new verses to the song and they were performed by his daughter Claire and two survivors of the fires from Kinglake, Victoria. The lyrics, as best as I could get them on paper, are as follows...
( the song is the first on my playlist today)
I am Australian
There are no words of comfort
that can hope to ease the pain
of losing homes and loved ones
the memories will remain.
We weep our silent tears and find
the strength to carry on, you're not alone
We are with you,
We are Australian.

There are so many heroes
whose stories must be told.
They fought the raging fires of hell
and saved so many souls.
From the ashes of despair
our towns will rise again.
We mourn your loss,
We will rebuild
We are Australian.
We are one, but we are many
and from all the lands on earth we come.
We share a dream and sing with one voice
I am, you are
We are Australian.
(Now edited from transcript in The Advertiser, Mon 23/2/09)
- Joolz

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Comfort food...

What is your favourite comfort food?

I am a savoury person so I like things like dips, cheeses, anti-pasto etc., cheddar cheese and red onion on Jatz biscuits are my comfort food or peanut butter and honey on fresh white bread, golden syrup on crumpets, chili concarne nachos, home-made minestrone soup, apricot chicken and vegies, tuna & corn mornay on toast, chow mein on toast (for breakfast this morning), condensed milk on a spoon, vegemite on salada biscuits, cheese and gherkin on Jatz.
No chocolate in this list, is there? I like chocolate but it just doesn't do it for me like say, cheese. I can make a batch of choc muffins or brownies and not touch a bite but if you open a tub of dip, I'm there! I also like to eat breakfast cereal (Just Right, Special K and Cornflakes) just before I go to bed as supper. With orange juice on it, not milk. Meh, why not!

Cheers - Joolz

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chow Mein 101....

While 'A' and K18 are away, Joolz makes Chow Mein - nobody else in this house will eat it but me. They say cabbage gives you wind. Duh?
Heat a large frying pan, saute' an onion in 1 tblspn olive oil until tender. Add 500 gms beef mince and brown off.
Grate 1 carrot, finely chop 2 sticks celery, toss in 3 tblspns rice, sachet of Chicken Noodle Soup and 2 tspns curry powder. Stir to combine then add 2 cups of water and start to simmer.
At this point I have forgotten the picture where I add a finely chopped 1/4 of a white cabbage (looks like a lot), and a cup of green beans. Stir through then turn the heat down. The cabbage will wilt down.
Add a good crack of black pepper.Cook on low heat, stirring every now and then to avoid sticking to pan, about 15-20 minutes. Yum!!
Serve to anyone who can stand cabbage in huge amounts, drizzled with a little soy sauce. So good! :)
I have eaten a huge bowl of this stuff so pity the poor dude who shares an office with me tomorrow!!!! Sorry Joe! Lol!
Flatulently - Joolz

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Date with my daughter...

B15 and I went and saw this movie tonight - a 100 km round trip to the cinema (the joys of living in a small country town). We both really enjoyed it, it was funny and sad and lots of stuff in between. I will definitely buy it when it comes out on DVD. It's a bit like Love Actually - lots of intermingled characters, some lovely ones, some cuties and a cad and pretty much a happy ending. A good night out. Sorry Bri, you had to suffer me singing Taylor Swift all the way there and back (again!).
And then I get on the PC and get the bejaysus scared out of me at
- check out her friendly little visitor! Cripes!!
I'm sorry, but the only good spider, is a dead spider!
**cold clammy sweats**
- Joolz :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Moving out...

On the back of this ute is a student desk, bookshelves, bedside table, dressing table with mirror, tv trolley, queensize bed frame and mattress and numerous sundries packed in tight. 'A' is known for his good packing abilities.
Yesterday was spent painting some of the furniture - I was really happy with how the TV trolley turned out - we used a silver hammered metal finish (like a filing cabinet) spray paint and it transformed the wooden mdf cupboard into a metal one. Dismanted K18's bedroom, tossing out junk accumulated in drawers and cupboards (how many sparkly lipglosses can one girl have!)
I washed new blankets, towels, doona cover, sheets and pillowcases.
'A' and K18 head to Adelaide tomorrow to move all this lot then I will take her back on Monday next week to set up the room properly and then **sobs** say goodbye. I want to check out the main shopping area near her and see where she can shop for food/meals and perhaps catch the bus she will use and see how long that takes to get to the Uni. Public transport is bit new to us as we don't have a bus service in our small town. We still get nervous catching trams and buses in Melbourne (what if you end up in WhoopWhoop?).
Another busy week ahead, working and still sorting stuff. I hope the weather stays coolish - the mornings are starting to take on Autumn - dew on the cars is a good sign.
Cheers for now, Joolz

Friday, February 13, 2009


This was my sunrise, taken at 7am this morning. There is a haze of smoke in the air and the sun was a brilliant hot pink as it first dawned while I was out walking with KP. By the time I got my camera when I got home, it had changed to a fiery orange. The weather is hotting up for the weekend and SA will be on high alert.
Lorraine at is co-ordinating a Crafty Therapy Parcel appeal.
Visit her site to see if there is something you can send in - spare fat quarters, thread, needles, pins, scissors etc.
Take care - Joolz

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Australia take a bow...

..thats 31 MILLION DOLLARS !!!!!!!!
The people and businesses of Australia have donated that much money towards the Bushfire Appeal.
That is an unbelievable effort in 4 days.
Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi !!!
I am feeling sad but I am so proud to be an Australian today!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bushfire tragedy....

The updated death toll from the wild fires in Victoria is now 173 and this will rise.
In hard economic times, it is amazing that Australians have now pledged A$13 million dollars to the bushfire victim appeals. Everyone is digging deep.
Late yesterday afternoon I received a blanket text message (not sure who from) asking for locals to go through their belongings and donate clothing, bedding and homewares. They are to be taken to our Community Club this morning from 11.30am and will then be freighted over to Victoria for distribution.
B15 and I went through her clothing - she had many T-shirts that had been kept from last summer that she hadn't worn this year - all in perfect, clean condition. She thought some things weren't appropriate (still in fashion) but I said, "if it's clean and doesn't smell of smoke, someone will be happy to wear it". We filled a black garbage bag full. She also went through her 'teddy' box and I think we got about 12 small teds - a little something for kids to hang onto and cuddle.
I went through my linen cupboard and found doona covers, sets of single bed sheets (we have king singles in the spare room now), large bath towels, never used, beach towels from 4 summers back, still in good nick. Into a bag they went.
K18 had cleaned out her clothes a while back so she only had a few pyjama bottoms and wind-cheaters to donate.
'A' got home from work and I made him go through his shirts and polo tops and he filled a bag with things he had barely worn.
We won't miss any of these items, they were just hidden away doing nothing but clutter our drawers.
All this made me realise just how much we have and how
very little these poor people have
These people have nothing!

As the death toll rises and I see the distraught faces of these poor people, wandering lost and aimlessly, hoping for news of missing loved ones, good news that won't come, I feel very helpless and so very sad for them. It is a cruel, dark time for country Victoria.

May the souls of the deceased rest in peace. And may they catch the arsonists responsible for this holocaust.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Relief and full scale tragedy....

(Agapanthus - Black Magic)
We are enjoying a lovely cooler day here in the Lower SE of South Australia. There is a sea
breeze blowing and it's overcast and coolish.
The news is not good for Victoria - as many as 65 lives lost in the bushfires so far. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who are battling the fires and the loss of loved ones.
If you are able, please support the Emergency Services and their volunteers - make a cake, cut some sandwiches, fill a thermos, pack an esky with ice and bottled water and deliver it to the depot and most of all, pat these men and women on the back for a hard job well done.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Beautiful sunset....

Two shots of our sunset last night, the evening had started to cool down nicely and the light was amazing.
Early this morning, would you believe we had a really heavy shower of rain. It pounded the roof for probably 2 minutes then stopped but it settled the dust. Two hours of rain would be appreciated right now.

- Joolz

Friday, February 6, 2009

Weekend challenge....

has issued a weekend challenge - when you read this, run outside with your camera and take a photo of nature, the first thing you see or smell or appeciate.
I happened to take some photos tonight because the sunset was going to be superb, but before the sun actually went down, I snapped some tree silhouettes. They fascinate me.
The first one is our neighbours bare tree in their front yard and the second one is a bare gum tree in our back paddock. Not sure what it is, but tree silhouettes just get me.
That and clouds. Go figure.
Cheers - Joolz

Furniture hunting...

K18 will move to Adelaide on 22nd February to start life as a Uni student. She is doing a Bachelor of Management (Marketing) over 3 years. We have secured a great room in a shared townhouse, very close to the city centre. She will share with a guy from our home town and his girlfriend and another guy. They are a bit older than her but I think she will get on okay with them. They will be coming and going all the time so they shouldn't be under each others feet too much.

Yesterday, we went hunting for bedroom furniture. We picked up a white melamine dressing table with a big square mirror (a neccessity!), a white desk with book shelves attached, a white bedside table and a little cupboard on wheels for her TV stand. We got all this for $240 and it's in really good nick. She will take her queen sized bed from home so she will have that comfort.

It will be quite exciting decorating her room - she has picked out some fabric to cover some art canvases and her large pin-up board - she can pin photos to them and display jewellery/trinkets etc. These fabrics compliment her new quilt cover which is a dark coffee colour and she has a watermelon pink chenille throw rug to brighten it up. I'll post photos when we cover the canvases.

It's much cooler here today, still warm and muggy but not 40C thank goodness. I'm hoping for a quiet weekend of pottering.

Have a nice weekend - Cheers from Joolz


I have been playing around with my blog background and tried to get a nice new blue back ground but instead succeeded in putting the middle pink diamonds in instead. Don't know how I achieved it but I guess it looks okay. Bit hard to read, though. I'll see if I can darken up the lettering.

Cheers - Joolz - forever learning something!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The only good mouse is a dead mouse...

I set 3 traps on my desk in my office last night and got 3/3 !!!!!!!!
Peanut butter is definitely a good bait. The poor little guys weren't as clever
as this little dude (lets call him Mission Impossible Mouse). I am not sure what is bringing them out, maybe there is rain on the way? or just more hot weather? They haven't been a problem before.
Good news - finally got a computer support technician to come to our house - don't know why we waited so long - and he has us up and running again. We lost nearly all our
files back in early December when we had a system error and I ran a re-installation disk which Dell told me to do - wiping practically everying!!
Any-hoo - we have internet and e-mail again so I can blog away at home to my hearts content.
I had printed out my home favourites list only days before - did I have a premonition? - so I have most blog sites listed - and I have more at work so I can copy those too.
John, the computer guy, was lovely and didn't make us feel stupid or dumb because we basically don't know much about the computer and the networks etc. He spent 2 hours with K18 and I sorting it all out.
Back in the land of home blogging - Cheers Joolz :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A mouse in the house...

...or to be correct, my office!!!!!
A little fella like this one has been having a fine old time getting stuck into some lollies in my office.
The little bugger has eaten his way through, not one, not two, not three but FOUR Freddo Frog bars! I had no idea that mice liked chocolate. He even chewed through a peppermint boiled sweet with chocolate in the centre!
A trap has been set in his honour.

For the record, mice do not intimidate me or make me squirm, however, on the other hand, huntsmen spiders are a whole different story. A few weeks back, my office partner picked up a book off my desk and there was a lovely big fat hunty taking refuge underneath. Joe dispatched with him (after a game of catch me if you are quick enough) just before I got to work saving me from having a coronary! Good job!

Cheers - Joolz