Friday, December 12, 2008

Satay Chicken from scratch...well almost!...

Wednesday night we had Chicken Satay stir-fry for dinner as B15 wasn't dining with us. She doesn't like peanuts or satay. I chopped all these lovely veggies up - mushrooms, corn, bok choy, snow peas, capsicum, spring onions, carrot and broccolini & bean sprouts.
I browned the chicken and spring onions in the wok then whacked in all the other veggies, stirring continuously. I added about 1/2 cup of water and put the lid on to steam them a bit.
The last ingredient is 2 big tblespns crunchy peanut butter and a packet of Maggi Chicken Satay mix. Add further cup of water and mix sauce through. Serve with steamed rice or hokkien noodles.
It's a great way to get children to eat different veggies.
Cheers - Joolz

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joolz

    I came here from a comment you left at Tania's.

    We lived in Millicent for two years from December 2000.

    This recipe looks really good and simple. I will have to have a go at it sometime for our family.



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