Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Computer blues...

Oh, dear! My home PC is sick at the moment. I started it up this morning and an update that is received must have corrupted something. I spent 50 minutes on the phone to a lovely lady in Malaysia but that didn't resolve anything. So I have packed it up and taken it to a local technician. Hopefully I will know more tomorrow afternoon. In the mean time, we are without internet at home, even on K18's notebook! Yikes - how will we survive?
Until next time, Cheers from Joolz


  1. I am so sorry the hear that ur computer is sick. I hope it gets better soon.
    Love & Prayers,

  2. Uh Oh! not the computer.

    I guess you will get some things done while it is out of action. I found I achieved so much when ours was broken for few days.


  3. Hi Joolz! Thanks for visiting my blog...come back again any time! Sympathies to you with the computer thing...ugh, been there too! :)


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