Monday, August 6, 2018

A productive weekend...

After working Saturday morning, I got to and started bread rolls - the freezer is bare!

While the bread dough proved, I made this WW Blueberry and banana bread. Very moist!


Perfect chia Chadd’s bread rolls...

I planned to make dried apricot jam on Sunday so I got it soaking overnight...

Dinner Saturday night was Weight Watchers Italian style stuffed lamb cutlets.  I could only get teeny weeny cutlets which would be too hard to stuff so settled for lamb steaks.  That is a mix of low-fat fetta, basil and sun dried tomato in there.

The salad had pre-grilled and chilled egg plant, zucchini and sweet potato ribbons in it with mixed lettuce leaves, fetta and red onion (added later).  Drizzled with a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Not too shabby!



Up and at ‘em Sunday morning, I made WW 3 ingredient pancakes...

I got the apricot jam going...

Bottled it...

I was worried that it might catch on the bottom of the pan but it didn’t...

Ta dah! All this jam cost $18 ($16 for the apricots and $2 for the sugar).  The little jars will be handy to take away in our  camper as I only have a drawer for store cupboard and breakfast items.  

This is the recipe I use - I halve it as it makes a huge amount.

I also bought some beetroot and pickled a batch. This cost me $6.80 for the beetroot plus 3 cups vinegar and some sugar, peppercorns, mustard and celery seeds which I had.
The rest of the afternoon was spent sorting clothes and shoes.  I tossed out a garbage bag of shoes, destined for the op shop. They are all in good, clean condition - they just don’t fit me or hurt my silly, sore feet. Most had been worn only once. Many are years old.  I’ve been staring at then, lovingly stored in see-through shoe boxes, high up  on the shelf in my they’re gone! Yay!
I found a few more t shirts while cleaning out my wardrobe so I’m set for our trip.  I need to make a decision about what gets packed and what stays. Ugh! 

I bought this rather ugly cross-body hand bag to take away. I need to down size what I carry and have my hands free for wheeling luggage. $70 down from $129...

I bought this bag as my carry on bag. Large enough to fit my Air Mini cpap machine plus a few items needed on board.  Again, I got it on special for $70, down from $130.

I use packing cells for my undies...


This is my pile of woolies for the trip.  I am also taking two coats plus a shower proof jacket.
When you travel, do you take all your remedies with you?  I like to have contingency plans in place for sore throats, headaches and um...loose bowels!  I always carry cough lollies, Panandol and Imodium...just in case.  I never forget my Vegemite!   I've got the necessary power adapters and a power board so we can keep things charged, my travel diary which I like to keep and stick things in (ticket stubs, postcards, stickers). I bought that novel but I think that can stay home.  I'm not the reader I used to be.  There'll be movies/tv etc on the plane to occupy me.

Four pairs of trousers plus I’ll add track pants and a pair of active wear tights.

This is the ‘summer’ wear pile...I have shorts and 3/4 pants, day tops and evening tops...

...and more tops for day and evenings...
I’m going to have to cull somethings but at least I’ve got choices.  As you can see, most of my wardrobe is monochrome but that makes mixing and matching easy. So many combinations.  Now to squish it in my case!
Cheers - Joolz xx

1 comment:

  1. Thank heavens you figured out adding photos, because your cooking photos (among others...sea scapes and sun rises come to mind) are so great!


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