Monday, January 2, 2017

Christmas 2016

I am trialling a new app for blogging on my iPad, called Blogo (not to be confused with Bloggo, which has caused me no end of frustration - writing posts then having them disappear into the ethers or not loading my pictures...grrr!) lets see how we go! I start with a Christmas wrap up ...

We opened presents...


We had a lovely champgne breakfast to start the morning off...

We had 28 people for lunch so it was a busy morning preparing for them. I got this turkey into the oven...


Kirby decorated the tables beautifully...



The turkey cooked to perfection...

Gus baked a ham in the Weber. Just a simple glaze of maple syrup, brown sugar, mustard powder and oil. Delicious!

The spread of food. Lovely salads and meats. I didn't get to take pics of dessert but there was my pudding (wow, full of brandy!) and pavlova.
It was full on and very loud as we had 11 kids running around. I'll be back with our sister presents next...once I work out how to publish this post. Wish me luck!

Cheers - Joolz xx

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