Saturday, January 17, 2015

Beetroot, cookies and dinner on a cray boat...

I have had a busy week, working full time 9 til 5 as our office manager has been on annual leave. I usually start at 10 or 10.30 and finish at 4pm if everything has been done. The house feels like its upside down but its mainly a load or two of washing that needs doing and a good tidy. Bri did the floors for me yesterday so that was a big help.
I am back at work this morning for a few hours then I will get home to boil and pickle some more beetroot.  I am down to my last jar...
Unfortunately, this is not garden fresh but bought from the supermarket but it still pickles well.

Bri seems fully recovered from her wisdom teeth extractions, apart from a bit of jaw tenderness.  I have tried to make soft foods for her this week.  This was a macaroni beef dish from Annette Sym (before I topped it with the white cheese sauce).

We've been back juicing...
Homemade pizzas for dinner last night...
My sister, Janine, gave me these little affirmation cards for Christmas (for making the family Christmas pudding).  They are so cute. 
I might share one with you each Monday as a thought for the week ahead...

As I mentioned, I have had pantry moths so I bought some traps - 2 for $12.  I set it up it in my pantry on Monday and...

Success!  I caught one!  It will be interesting to see if there are any more or if he was a lone moth!  The little rubber lure has a sex pheremone that lures the moth to the very sticky trap.  Ingenious!
Brianna found these cookies she wants me to make - they sound divine.

This evening, we will dine on a cray boat with our friend Pam and some others who were there last year.  I am taking warm clothes to rug up in as it gets really cold at the marina.

Cheers - Joolz xx


  1. I'm aiming to have enough beetroot one day to do my own pickles, homemade taste so good. I make the macaroni beef recipe and it's been a favourite with my family ever since I bought the cook book. I hope you had a lovely time on the cray boat.
    Anne xx

  2. I love Annette Sym's recipe for macaroni beef. I have been cooking from her books for the past month or so. I enjoy her recipes and so does the rest of the household, so I am on to a winner there. :)

    My beetroot is just about ready to pickle too, I cant eat the store bought ones anymore, I would rather go without lol.

    The cookies look nice, might have to give them a try :)

    Those moth catchers are brilliant. I bought one once and caught quite a few on it. That was a while ago and I haven't had any since, so pretty happy about that :)


  3. I have just cleaned out my pantry as the moths were flying around so it was time :-) We have beetroot growing so there will be more pickling ahead. Hopefully on cooler days. I have all Annette's books. She is quite an inspiration.


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