Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year 2014

NYE was a warm day so we decided to finish work and head to our favourite beach spot in Ruby.

Just before entering the dunes, Gus lets air out of the tyres for better traction. Its a 1 hour drive to our destination.

It was a beautiful sunset, lovely calm sea. All set for a perfect evening...

We thought there might be lots of people at No2 Rocks but we were the only vehicle on the beach. We set up camp and got everything ready for dinner...

Simple steak sandwich with cream cheese and caramelised onion relish. Someone on Facebook said the weather was going to turn nasty with 100km winds but it was still calm when we saw in the new year at midnight.

I woke at about 3am to the tent flapping a fair bit. We both got up for a tinkle and found that the little change tent had blown over. Back to sleep, albeit fitful and restless.

We got up at 7am and it was overcast, warm, humid and there were lots of sticky flies around. The sea was roaring! We decided to break camp and move further down the beach to where we would hopefully spend the day with other friends who were to join us.

Big mistake! Once in our spot, it started to rain and the wind picked up and blew sand all around. Disgusting conditions!

So we went back to our original spot to set up our awning again so we could cook breakfast. No sooner had we got the awning and tarp strapped up then it blew down, spraying sand everywhere! Heavier rain and blowing sand gave us no choice but to pack everything up wet and covered in sand. We te ted our friends to say we were abandonning the day! Our rooftop tent and bedding got saturated on the drive home so everything had to be pulled out and dried in our shed.

What a disastrous trip! We are all cleaned up now but its not how we wanted NYDay to go.

I've spent the rest of the day cleaning up then snoozing. Kirby and her friend Matilda are back safe from their music festival adventure so we will have dinner with them soon.

Here are a few things I want to do this coming year -


Recycle correctly again

Get out that juicer!

Get that vegetable garden going!

Get walking!

Keep making more homemade things

Perfect granny squares crocheting

Make more time for me - yoga, walking

Be more mindful and do things with purpose....


What are some of your goals for 2014

Cheers - Joolz xxNew Year






  1. Oh what a shame how your time away turned out!

    So far I have just a few financial goals for 2014 so really need to sit down and work out what else I want to achieve.

    All the best to you and your family for the coming year


  2. Well that was a New Year to remember. Sorry it turned out so bad.

    My one goal this year is to pay off our mortgage and be debt free. I like some of your ideas too. One thing I need to cut down is computer time, I waste far too much time on here, and I need to plan a wedding for own :D


    1. Whaaaat??????? How exciting! You must tell us about a blog post?? Congratulations!

  3. I can't wait to take my family on camping trips like you do with your hubby. Really good resolutions - to look after yourself and more crafting time. We all need that!

    1. We are very late starter campers - something we never did with our girls but I think they would have enjoyed it. We are comfort campers not rough and tough-its! We are very lucky to have beautiful coastline close by that we can 4Wheel Drive on and through.

  4. What a pity the weather didn't co-operate for you, but what a glorious spot for camping.

    This year I want to increase my fitness (just got a new pedimeter as part of my birthday gifts to kick start that) plus get my garden into order, including building nests and feeding stations for birds, butterflies and wild bees. Other than that - spend lots of time with my family. I hope 2014 is a great year for you and your family.

    1. Thank you, Marie. I have enjoyed reviving my garden (hosting Christmas in our back yard made it a nessessity!) so I hope I can keep it looking nice, well into winter.

  5. Sorry your camping trip didn't work out as you had hoped. It looks like such a lovely spot!


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