Thursday, February 17, 2011

Paintbox skies...

Tuesday Feb 15th was a sultry, muggy warm day and I thought we'd have the mother of all thunderstorms, judging by the sky. The sky sure put on a beautiful display. All of these photos were taken within 30 minutes (1904-1929) and are in sequence and Straight Out of the Camera. I am a big Intelligent Auto fan.
View over my back fence (zoomed) ...
To get an idea of where I am seeing all this sky - When I look at this view above... then turn 45 degrees to my right, I see the clouds in the pic below... they are moving left toward the bright sunset...
A black, menacing sky but behind is a white fluffy cloud and blue sky...
These clouds were behind me as I looked towards the sunset and it cast this pink light on the clouds.
More paintbox in the sky... This pic is taken at a 90degree turn right from the bright sunset picture.
My favourite gum trees...

While I was taking these pictures there were 100's of dragonflies, flying about. I've never seen them in these numbers before. I've spoken to several people since and they have been around the South East, obviously following this warm patch of humid weather.
Over our back fence there is a little coach shed...
Pink & grey...
A few corellas sitting in the tree that they have stripped bare...
Front garden view to neighbours house...
Finale... and I heard about 10 big drops of rain on the roof that night. Yesterday, Mount Gambier had a big down pour, a real deluge - we had lots of storm clouds all day and hot, stinking humid weather then nothing.
Anyhoo, so I am home alone this evening until Bri gets home from having dinner with her 'Italian famiglia' - kids she hung with on her Italian exchange. Six of them meet up for dinner from time to time, good fun.
I had a hankering for some pizza and wasn't in the mood for cooking so I invited McCain to 'do it again' and chose a Speciale pizza.
It was nice (and it actually looks better than the one on the pack) but not as tasty as my home cooked pizzas.


  1. Lol see it's the thought of Italian - it got to you. Stunning photo's. I took a couple just before doing the school run. Black out South, sunny out West. Can't believe it all passed us by. They're predicting the biggest rainfall in years for tomorrow. Wonder if we'll see any?

    Lisa x

  2. Wow, those pictures of the sky are gorgeous! They remind me of the series of images I got of approaching Hurricane Frances while on a ship. We were moving out of its way, but could see it pass us by. Incredible color changes very much like what you have in these images.

  3. those are some beautiful pictures!!! I love days like that!! The skies here are amazing, I just never seem to have my camera out in time to capture all of the beauty.

  4. great always amazes me how quick it can change........

  5. Love the photos and watching storm clouds roll in and the way the sky changes colour. It can all happen so quickly.

  6. We had a big thunderstorm and a lot of wind about 1700 that afternoon, there have been some lovely skies just lately.

  7. Fabulous photos of the sky, Joolz. Funny that you should mention dragonflies; there were a few around my house this morning and I have never seen them here before.

    BTW, if you don't mind me asking, whereabouts in SA do you live?



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