Thursday, May 14, 2009

20 of my favourite things....

...for today Thursday, May 14, 2009

20 of my favourite things...

1. Colour -navy blue
2. Dessert - sticky date pudding
3. Smell - Mum's roast lamb cooking
5. Animal - cat
6. Month - July (winter in Australia)
7. Beverage - red wine and sweet black tea
8. Pair of shoes - black Havaiaana thongs with diamentes on them & my new black ankle boots
9. Snack - Cheddar cheese and red onion on Jatz crackers
10. Song - currently 'Under the Boab Tree - Angela Little'
11. Book - currently 'Shantaram' - Gregory David Roberts
12. Fruit - fresh cut watermelon
13. Hairstyle - short, spiky and streaked blonde
14. Piece of clothing - quilted vest
15. Store to go clothes shopping - Dizzy Lizzy's
16. Season - Autumn
17. Hobby - baking yummy biscuits for family & if time allows - cross stitching
18. Things to collect - small pieces of blue & white china (Spode)
19. Movie - One Fine Day (Michelle Pfeiffer & George Clooney) *sigh*
20. Restaurant - Concubine (fine Chinese cuisine, Adelaide SA)
This was fun, now you try.
Cheers - Joolz


  1. I feel like Bert Newton should have popped out part way through that! Just like 20 to 1!

  2. Woo, that was interesting Julie. I love knowing stuff about people. It's not that I'm just nosey (though I am!) but other people and their ;ives fascinate me. Thanks for sharing.
    love, Angie, xx

  3. Hmmmm You and I have much in common.
    Especially sticky date pud! Yum!
    I always love those run downs of fav's

  4. Great post!!! I love cats too and the smell of mum's roast lamb now nothing beats that... Great getting to know you that little bit more...

    Take Care
    jodie :)


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