Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year...

Chilling out after a BBQ lunch
Happy New Year to all my friends, family and fellow bloggers! Our NYE was spent quietly at home. Both our girls headed in separate directions for the evening and that left 'A' and I home alone. Earlier in the evening, we had a few drinks with a friend who was back in town seeing his family. It was nice to catch up. Later, we cooked a couple of steaks, ate dinner then settled in to watch Dark Knight. 'A' is a big Batman fan! I lasted until just after midnight then I had to retire!

We spent yesterday down at Southend, a little seaside port not far from where we live. We took a barbeque lunch and sat with friends and enjoyed a great afternoon. Next year, we have decided to go camping for New Years Eve down to a special spot called Number 2 Rocks. It is a little horse-shoe bay about 1 hours drive from our town, through sandhills by four-wheel-drive. We have had many good days there - the kids can play on the quiet beach (mine are no longer into sandcastle building) and the water doesn't get too deep or rough because there is a reef further out which stops the big waves.
Best wishes for a safe, happy & healthy 2009 to
you and your loved ones.
Cheers - Joolz

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