Saturday, November 2, 2013

Tomato time ...

 Time for me to put in a few tomato plants into planter boxes.  I have only bought 6 plants this year...
I've got Black Russian, San Marzano (an egg shaped fruit) , Pot Cherry and Pot Roma ...
I have them in a sunny position at the moment (ha, while the sun is shining!), under my clothes line but they will need moving once our sprinkler system gets kicked into gear soon.  I may even relocate them around to the front of the house which faces north.
 They look nice and healthy and cost me $22.70 so lets see, once they start yielding, if I can save money by not having to buy tomatoes for salads over the summer months.  I did pretty good last year and considering you buy 8 little vine-ripened tomatoes in a pack for $3.98, I reckon I will be ahead by March next year.  Noting: those 8 little tomatoes last us a week in salads etc.and are more tasty than the normal bland ones you buy.
Cheers - Joolz xx

1 comment:

  1. They look beautiful Joolz - hopefully very bountiful too. I'm trying to grow some from seed at the moment of a variety we particularly liked, I think it's Perino or something like that - from seed I mean the actual tomato. Haven't tried this before, so it should be interesting! cheers Wendy


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