Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back to the grind...

We survived the horrible heat of yesterday although our lawns are looking a bit crunchy! We just holed up inside all day with air-con and fans on. I did lots of washing as it dried within half an hour! Kirby had to leave for Adelaide at 3pm so she had a fairly hot trip and her unit was like a furnace she said. Lucky she has air-con too.
I did a bit more tidying yesterday and this morning. Picking up and putting away - the story of my life! The Christmas tree didn't get put away yesterday so will have to try and get it sorted this afternoon. I have to work so had better get going otherwise it will be lunchtime and I will still be here! Lol!
I hope to get a physio appointment for my back and shoulder - each morning when Gus and I go walking, he has had to put on my socks and lace my shoes because I just can't bend without having a spasm! Once I walk, I am better but still sore, if I sit for too long. My shoulder also is giving me curry, not aching, just grabbing me with a pain like a red-hot poker if I move the wrong way. Grrr! Hopefully the physio will be able to relieve it or suggest some exercises.
Have a lovely day, won't you?
Cheers - Joolz


  1. Boo for the grind! Hope that physio gets your shoulder right again. It's awful not to be able to do things!

  2. It's still hot here Joolz but now it is humid! The veggies have taken a hammering, the cucumbers have nice crisp brown leaves now, and the potatoes have turned there toes up...

    Cant wait for this weather to pass so I can get back into routine too.

    Sounds like you had a great Christmas and New Year, the beach looks very inviting :)


  3. It was a hot one that's for sure. That wind was awful. It's meant to be cooler tomorrow. Sorry to hear about your back and shoulder. It's going to mess your neck up again, so I'm glad you're going to the physio.

    Magnesium might help with the spasm - the chemist near Woolies has the Ethical Nutrients brand, in a powder form for quicker absorption. It's a bit pricey, but I know it helps my muscles relax.

    Hope you feel some relief soon.


  4. Happy New Year Joolz. Thank you for following my blog & always leaving me such lovely comments in 2011. Hope you can get some relief for your shoulder(and the heat)
    Back to the grindstone here today too!

  5. I prescribe no more laundry for awhile! :) Hope you're feeling better soon.


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