Monday, November 21, 2011

Crunch time...

I have been at my fitness program for 5 weeks now. I have lost small amounts of weight each week but have fallen into the doldrums... I do not like the exercise classes because it makes me sore and I hobble around groaning in pain... I am not drinking enough water, I am not eating enough fruit and vegetables each day and I have not been walking and last week I didn't even go to the two exercise classes!
I have been eating okay (read not eating the cupcakes that Kirby made) but just not enough of the really good stuff. This is where I fail everytime! After a few weeks, I tend just not to eat - instead of having a healthy snack between meals, I don't have anything at all and even at dinner time, I don't eat enough salad and veggies, just meat. This is not good for a working body! It needs good fuel!

So... I am starting out all over again from today. I did the exercise class this morning, I have been drinking water and I intend to buy some nice fruit and veg and get stuck into that! I am going to cut up a chunk of watermelon, rock melon and pineapple when I get home so it is there if I need a snack. It is time I had some pasta for a treat so I am making a healthy lasagne for dinner tonight - stay tuned! And I need to halve my alcohol consumption - at least! :(

Tomorrow night, I am meeting with my Weight Watcher committee members for dinner out at a pub - what should I choose for dinner? I think my best bet will be a small rump steak and salad (no creamy mayo dressings or potato salad- I might take my own balsamic low fat vinagrette). Would it be rude to take some kind of low fat dessert with me to share with the girls?? I might make an Annette Sym Wicked Chocolate Cake and take some small squares as a treat.
This is me!
How you approach food situations, either social or at home can have a huge impact on the end result. Here are some excuses and the correct answer for them:
I can't let it go to waste... Vs ... If I eat this food, it will go to my waist!
I shouldn't have seconds, but who cares... Vs ... Thank you, but I really have had enough!
I paid for it so I'm going to eat my moneys worth... Vs I know there will be a price to pay later on the scales...
I didn't have a choice so I had to eat what was offered... Vs I always take healthy food with me to share...
Go on, you deserve a piece... Vs No thank you, I am full!
It's my birthday... Vs Everything in moderation is okay.
No one is looking, no one will know... Vs But I will know!
Each week I get given positive printed handouts so I think it's time I sat down at read them!

I hope you have a lovely week - I am off for a walk tomorrow morning - rain, hail or shine!
Cheers - Joolz


  1. That's the spirit Joolz, get back up and dust yourself off.

    I think I have suggested the Michelle Bridges crunch time and crunch time cook book before. Available in one book at BigW for $24.95. I re read this book regularly to remind myself what I am doing wrong...I cook some of her meals but I dont do all the exercise she suggests, I just mainly walk. I have cut back the size of my meal at night now. I use a small weight watchers bowl (from their frozen range) to eat from. And I dont eat after 8pm or hardly after dinner at all! I have 5 kg to go to my goal and I want to achieve this by Christmas. I have lost 7kg so far, but fell off the wagon with my sore shoulder. I am back on track now...

    Michelle also has a facebook page for her 12wbt challenge. I dont participate but I go there everyday for inspiration. Go have a look and be inspired by the ones doing the challenge

    Best of luck,


  2. Thanks for the lovely comment, Tania! I will check in with Michelle Bridges and see what she has to say. Another blogger, Tracie, is doing her challenge with good results.

    Cheers - Joolz


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