Sunday, July 5, 2009

And now for something completely ridiculous...

Bri and her friends Tori & Maddy posed the alphabet for me, dressed as Ninjas (without masks). It proved quite a challenge and took just over one hour to do. Don't really know why I made them do it but it made for much laughter gave them something to do.
I have tried, tried and tried to insert the letter 'P' where it belongs and it will not go there so I will put 'P' somewhere else!
The three lovelies - Bri, Maddy & Tori
(aka Breeza, Mad Dogga & Torza)
Very clever, eh?
* *


*Wierdest looking M I've ever seen, oh well!
P? P? P, where are you? He's p@#$$&! off on me!
**Old 'S' proved the hardest to do. Gravity and strength would not allow the girls to get into that shape.
A questionable 'W' but, meh, by this stage my enthusiasm was waning.
Yeah, poor attempt at 'Z' but once again, impossible to pose due to the stupid shape of the letter.
Well, that must have wasted 2 minutes of your time and a lot more of mine. Hope you all had a good weekend. I made biscuits for a friend so that was my Sunday. Didn't even get near my Mary Wigham!
Cheers - Joolz


  1. I tried to do a letter, but all I could do was "UGH" and had to hobble over to sit down!

    my word veri is:

    I tried to do it but couldn't. I'm such a wrimp!

  2. Yes,
    Oh to be young and skinny and supple!


  3. that was so fun to see the girls modeling the alphabet! How clever and I bet they had fun doing so!

  4. I love it! I've been watching for an alphabet post from you for a long time, and the minute I leave for the holiday... :) Your ninja assistants were awesome!


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