Friday, October 10, 2014

Yoga class ...

Our SA Weight Watchers group had a local lady visit us to give us a yoga class. It was a very gentle class, showing us a few stretches and breathing exercises and one pose, the triangle. She has two classes available each week so I hope to get along to one of them.
We had 14 members attend and everyone enjoyed it.
I made a quiche for dinner that tasted great...then I found the bacon I'd forgotten to put in it! Doh! It was packed with veggies - zucchini, fresh corn, capsicum, carrot, onion, mushrooms and tomato and made with farm fresh googs from my sister-in-law's chooks.
Last night I made a mini tuna mornay as Gus was out of town.
I made a similar one way back in 2009 when I was doing a 30 day Throw Down (trying to lose weight!) - last night I added in a cup of broccoli...
Cheers - Joolz xx


  1. Wish they had a yoga class here, as I would definitely go. I have been looking on youtube for beginners classes, there are a few there.

    I am not sure how much you use, but watch out for cheese Joolz, it's high in calories. Michelle Bridges says cheese is the enemy lol! I gave up dairy earlier this year and feel so much better. My thoughts were that I couldn't live with out cheese, but I managed it and barely have it at all now, and I don't miss it :) I get my calcium from other sources like almond milk, greens, fruit, legumes etc

    I switched to using a small plate, instead of a full sized dinner plate. I am now going to drop down to a side plate size. We really do eat way too much. The bloke on the radio said this morning that we sit too much and that we should keep moving through out the day. This would be right, because Phil eats like a horse and moves like one too and doesn't put on weight. I tend to dawdle when I walk whereas he nearly runs lol!


    1. Oh, I know, Tania! Cheese is my biggest dietary downfall! (hangs head in shame). If you put a Mars Bar and a matchbox sized piece of cheese in front of me - I'd choose the cheese every time! It gives me the same feeling as eating chocolate! I have cut back in the past few weeks and currently don't have a block of my favourite Black Cracker Barrell in the fridge...

  2. I made a quiche a couple of weeks ago and forgot to put the bacon in too. I didn't hear any complaints though :)


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