Tuesday, November 8, 2011

School Daze...

Can you believe I sent this little cherub to school when she was not quite 5 years old?
Reception - 1998 (1 term)
Reception 1999 (4 terms)
Year 1 - 2000
Year 2 - 2001 (oh, those poor teeth!)
Year 3 - 2002 (braces fitted to correct crossed teeth)
Year 4 - 2003 (that's better!)
Year 5 - 2004 (don't ya love that smile?)
Year 6 - 2005
Year 7 - 2006
Year 8 - 2007 (High School or (College)
Year 9 - 2008 (braces again, to fix overbite and alignment)
Yr 10 - 2009
Yr 11 - 2010
Yr 12 - 2011
Today is the very last day of Bri's secondary schooling - she has a Biology exam (3 hours) this morning then it is all over! No more blue shirts and uniforms to iron - ever! Looking back on these pictures, my kids are fortunate that they only attended 2 schools in their lives (two very good Catholic schools, although we are not Catholic). They have grown up with the same people and are still friends to this day with most of them. Very lucky indeed.
Good luck Breezy!
Love, Mum xxx


  1. I can easily believe it Joolz. My eldest just had his last exam on Friday and is now spending the week (all alone)working at the zoo in Sydney. The time surely does fly and we really do need to make the most of it.
    Good luck to your gorgeous daughter.

  2. It is a happy and a sad moment as they are finally heading out into the big world.

  3. Your girls are gorgeous Joolz!
    One just finished Uni and the other about to start. Exciting times indeed! Bittersweet watching our baby birds learn to fly eh :]

  4. Yep. Time sure does fly! My second youngest is lining up for year 11 next year! Shocking!

  5. They grow up so fast! I've had a good catch up, love your new healthy eating plan! Everything looks delicious :)

  6. Oh so adorable. Doesn't it just go in the blink of an eye?

  7. A bittersweet time for you, I am sure.

  8. AHHHHH Joolz, it is so fun to look at pics of your beautiful girls and I do the same thing...I can't believe that I have a 40 yr old daughter...YIKES! she is as beautiful as she was when cameras were not popular! Her little one is her IMAGE or CLONE! Big sigh! I am so blessed as well!


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