Monday, April 4, 2011

Cat and mouse...

I was just pondering what to write about today when my mogster, Bonnie, skulked past the study window with a little mouse in her mouth.
She bought it into our garage and what ensued was indeed a game of cat and mouse.
Poor little mousey...
... I'm afraid I don't like your chances!
I left Bonnie to do her job. I don't want mice in our house so it's nice to know she is a good mouser.
Daylight saving hours finished on the weekend so it was lighter at 6.30am when I got up. That will only last a few weeks until winter sets in and the mornings become darker again. It was misting with rain a minute ago but now the sun has come out.
Funny how soups, stews and casseroles become instantly appealing when the first cool weather blows in. I noticed Pip at Rest is not Idleness had a yummy soup and dumpling recipe on her blog and Marie at The English Kitchen has a hearty Thick Pea Soup recipe and lots of other scrumptious things on her food blog. Give them a go!
Enjoy your week, I am feeling so much better now and looking forward to the Easter break in a couple of weeks time.
Cheers - Joolz


  1. Cute photos but poor little mouse!!

  2. Our lazy couch potato cats have had us resorting to the the big guns (rat poisen sachets) for the rat in our garage...or should I say rats (3 bodies found)) *shiver* bought in no doubt by the big wet up here!


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